Wednesday, August 1, 2018

NEBULA EXCHANGE: The Convinent Exchange You Can Trust

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Hey guy! do you know thta the cryptocurrency business has been drawing serious global attention recently. So many people have invested in the cryptocurrency market and making huge gains. It's worthy to note that crypto investments which are online investments based on the blockchain technology are very much profitable. People are always looking for investment projects that very much reliable and have a great future. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s ya’ll gotta know about cause it does not come out of no were than here Ricky’s Outlook. There is one fascinating project online that has come to change the business atmosphere to a better one. Let me introduce you to one of crypto finest ongoing project called NEBULA EXCHANGE

Nebula Exchange is a unique centralize cryptocurrency exchange platform that combines a state of art trading platforms with information's, technical analysis, user review and P2P messaging to provide a non stop community centered trading solution. Because Nebula believes that the new exciting cryptocurrency markets are , traders and especially those new ones need a lot than, price and volume information to make decisions. Good news is because Nebula Exchange will be the solution, because we also strive to become one of the exchanges to provide support for security token.

Cloud trade will make a measures set up to sentinel their clients subsidize utilizing DDos Bulwark frame cloudfare. utilizing of secret word joined with 2 factor substantiation for authenticate and withdrawal, coalescence of multi signature sultry and arctic wallets will be utilized to assure that client stores stay bulwarked and available. Review of every single savvy contract.
2.Exchanging stage
cloud has made a vigorous exchanging stage with high frequecny prepared brokers and amply straightforward for incipient merchants, the highlights of the this exchanging stage is to demonstrate an expert graphs sanctioned from exchanging view as wekk as enlisting up inside a second of consummating 100000 exchanges. breaking point, market and stop infelicity orders, supplementally exportable exchange and request history.
  1. A platform for information sharing
    Now yo remember your first trade as a novice? Because almost every trader makes bad call at some point because there's is a major problem plaguing with the crypto market right now and this is caused because of poor information source. take a pause and think about something, where do you go to research or find a new currency? Maybe you'll start with the whitepaper? now what about to those who technically inclined they might be reading alien hieroglyphs. perhaps you'll search for advise on the coin social channels, but remember at that time you are only talking to a room full of people who heavily invested and will say anything to spread the hype. Going into social media is also risky as it's filled with scammers, competition. and paid public figure . Today's current scenario an active trader trying to stay ahead of the market has to keep their eye on twitter , reddit, github, telegram, and news website etc to name a few while all the filtering valuable information from non credible junk
    But good news because Nebula is different from all those others. that's where our Reputation Point (RP) comes in. Now every new account on Nebula starts with 0 RP and can gain points to progress upwards by benefiting the Nebula community. For examole avery referal, daily login, follower and thumbs up on your review will award RP. another way this systerm will help self govern the community is the "thank" feature. users may reward others in the journey of crypto. A users reputation level is clearly displayed in every review they make, as well as a link to their past reviews.
Regardless of the asset in question, every financial market in the world reacts to news and cryptocurrencies are no different. In the current sitiuation, i is a monumental task for crypto trader to get accurate and credible information immediatly. At Nebula, we are bringing in only credible news and article from verified and trust worthy sources to our platform . To add to that? in othe to create a dedicated channel for listed projects to make announcement through, we will ensure that traders on the platform get unfiltered news straight from projects in a matter of seconds.
4.A discussion with simple data sharing
this stage will make a stage where dynamic dealers will remain in front of the market will have the capacity to lead and keep visual perceivers open for twiotter, reddit, github and message for valuwablem data for the clients frame non tenable trashes.
Nebula ico distribution and token sale
Nebula ico distribution and token sale
NESC Token
Nebula Exchange star credit(NESC) will be Bebula's official token
NESC Token Utility and Buy back
. Users can pay transaction fee in NESC and this would also qualify to a 50% discount in fee. the discount% can be changed in the future. All transaction fee collected in the form of NESC will be burned
. New listings will be required and paid in NESC Tokens. All NESC Tokens collected as listing fee will be burned
. Every quarter, Nebuls Exchange will use 25% of its profit to buy back NESC tokens and burn then. all buy backs will be announced beforehand.
. All token burning will stop once we reach half of originally listed issued NESC tokens
Nebula Roadmap

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