Sunday, August 19, 2018

HASHBON : Multiple BlockChain Open Source Platform

Hello guys! By now you guys should no that I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Well for my old viewers I trust by now you guys should no how much of a crypto fan I am, also I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s ya’ll gotta know about. Cause right now you guys should be aware that it only comes outta no other place than Ricky’s Outlook. Have always monitored crypto-currency news, and today I came across a very attractive project with good cryptopian future. Let me introduce you to one of cryptocurenccy finest project cause you know i always give you the best. Hashbon
Hashbon is a versatile structure with open source business. Platform developers are hoping to create a new blockchain type unit, which will work together through the existing Blockchain technology, developers hope to create a new type of blockchain that will work simultaneously on existing block chains. The new blockchain structure will utilize distinctive API hubs to stay away from any centralization and the danger of a solitary hub API benefit disappointment. Utilizing this system, designers will make application-square applications, for example, use of the biological system of relations with financial specialists, which gives more prominent straightforwardness to open organizations, permitting greater venture from speculators, To avoid the risk of centralization and single-node API service malfunctioning, Use the APIs (,,, etc.) at the same time
The system will permit building block-based applications that will work with respect to block circuits, for example, Bitcoin, Dash, Litecoin, Monero, Zcash among other existing circuits that have officially demonstrated themselves dependable and have an abnormal state of insurance against assault 51%. In spite of the fact that items, for example, Multichain, Hyperledger and Openchain, are reasonable for the individuals who need to make their own particular block chain, the made square chains will be brought together or excessively powerless, making it impossible to assaults. Such square plans won't match with open square chains, for example, Litecoin or Bitcoi n. Be that as it may, Hashbon does not make new square plans, but rather fills in as a bringing together stage over existing chains.
The current blockchain system is of two kinds, The first is a structure that permits to make new open or private blockchain. This blockchain structure compose is brought together and furthermore powerless against assaults. The second sort of system utilizes existing chains, for example, Ethereum. The utilization of the second sort of system makes issues, for example, Data preparing turns out to be more troublesome in light of the fact that the square size should be expanded. Since there is a square size farthest point, this will additionally keep DApps from working. tho There are numerous issues in regards to the connection amongst investors and friends administration. Speculators have endured substantial misfortunes because of money related revealing extortion that has expanded today.
Solution via Hashbon
Hashbon has given answers for the above issues by building up a straightforward Investor Relations Management stage. This platform will give straightforwardness that will assist investors with knowing about the real money related, monetary, strategic and different exercises of the organization. This stage will likewise be a state of open correspondence between the organization and investors and among investors. Financial specialists can depend completely on the information put away on this stage on the grounds that nobody can alter the information after it is put away. This stage gives better unwavering quality since utilizing a structure enables it to effortlessly change to other blockchain without anguish information misfortune. The Hashbon system is exceptionally compelling on the grounds that it naturally chooses blockchain to store data that offers less expenses at the time.
Hashbon functions:
  • Works on existing block circuits
  • Use of various programming languages, including Java, PHP, etc.
  • Has intellectual contractual libraries
  • Compatible with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash among other units
  • Reliability, convenience and economy
  • Using the Blockcypher Blocktrail API
Advantages of Hashbon
  1. Cost-effective
    In a few periods, commissions in some square chains can be high. The edge of Hashbon will be sensible to pick square plans, which have less expensive levies for recording data at any minute.
  2. Reliable
    Hashbon Frame utilizes a few bocks in the meantime. This makes it conceivable to expand dependability contrasted with utilizing just a single block circuit. The system will likewise be a brought together dialect with a few APIs, for example, Blockchain.Info Blockcypher, Blocktrail and others
  3. Convenience
    The Hashbon outline is an interface between block circuits and block circuits. Engineers will get a widespread dialect for programming different chains.
Token sale
HASH tokens are utility tokens, that can be used to pay for building up business applications. During the ICO 10% of the total number of HASH tokens will be presented.
The HASH token conforms to the ERC20 standard – the support of this standard guarantees the compatibility of the token with third-party services, and also ensures the ease of integration.
Tokens will be issued after the completion of the 1st stage, within 14 days.
After finalizing ICO, we intend to undergo listing procedure on various exchanges.
Tokens for sale, with bonuses. 150 000 000 HASH
Total number of tokens for ICO 200 000 000 HASH
The cost of 1 HASH 0.10 €
Soft cap: 1 000 000 €
Hard cap: 10 000 000 €
Accepted for paymen: ETH, BTC, DASH, LTC, XMR, ZEC
Hashbon token is a security token, ensured by resources. Every one of the tokens has the capacity of paying profits. Every holder will get a 10% profit on the benefits of Hash. The marker conforms to the ERC20 standard, which enables markers to be good with other outsider administrations and gives simplicity of reconciliation.
ICO Parameters
Private declaration: June 15, 2018 preceding the offer of every one of the 10,000,000
ICO tokens after the offer of the
Token Ticker private token : HASH
Standard: ERC20
Hard cover: 10,000,000 Total tokens: 200,000,000 tokens
Tokens available to be purchased: 75%
Value: 1 HASH 0.10 USD
Acknowledged dfk.ns: ETH, BTC, LTC, XMR, ZEC.
For More Information Please Visit These Trusted Links
White Paper:
Twitter: hashbon

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