Thursday, August 16, 2018

EVERID: Decentralized Platform For A New Economy

Hey guys! How much do you know about what is happning in the digital and crypto world today? Well for my old viewers I trust by now you guys should no how much of a crypto fan I am, also I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s you should have to know about. And I also want ya’ll to know that right now guys be aware that it only comes outta no other place than Ricky’s Outlook. Have always monitored crypto-currency news, and I come across too many projects but today I came across a very attractive project with good potential and great future of profiting to who ever wants to trade and hold. Let me introduce you to one of cryptocurenccy finest project cause you know i always give you the best. EVERID
EverID is a decentralized platform for a new economy, combined with a scalable payment solution with a versatile wallet and biometric and digital identification. EverID has manufactured a decentralized computerized ID framework to store and approve information, documentation and client biometric information. The stage is available to all individuals. It doesn't require the association of a cell phone, it is encoded to secure the protection of clients and is good with different frameworks. Establishments, enterprises and government associations can adequately, efficiently and rapidly confirm the legitimacy of the client on a scale. The cost would then be able to be dependably exchanged to the correct beneficiary with decreased exchange costs, less spillage misfortunes and development in administration and esteem exchange.
EverID works under the accompanying standards and standards unaltered, joined together About Identity Information:
  • All individuals are included
  • If an individual does not have access to technology, they can still attend
  • The system will be available forever
  • All individuals should be identifiable
  • All information about an individual needs to be stored in the safest way possible
  • Individuals should own and control their identity
  • Individuals may selectively share their identities by interaction
  • Personal information is not owned or controlled by anyone other than the user
  • The system must be resilient against attacks
  • The system can connect to other systems
    EverID is an aggravating item with a current model, an exceptionally experienced group, and cooperates with a vast Bretton Woods managing an account institution4 and UN organizations. It is the greatest one of a kind chance to extend budgetary incorporation between developing markets and built up money related establishments.
EverID uses cases like theses diagram shown below to make an exception from others:
Transfer Cash
100% validation of money sent to biometrically verified users


Simple, cost-effective way for banks to offer money transfer services

Complete solution to lend money to the billions of people and SMEs
ID Verification
Manage documents hosted in the cloud or device, follow healthcare for everyone
Medical Data
Manage documents hosted in the cloud or device, follow healthcare for everyone
Combine titles, GPS coordinates and identities to secure and secure your country
EverID is an esteem based, self-facilitated arrangement that spotlights on the client of blockchain innovation and the encryption stage of that framework. The center focal point of the EverID organization is to make monetary and social esteem
Associations, companies, and government associations are effective, modest, and quick driving client characters, everywhere scale. The esteem would then be able to be exchanged safely, to the right beneficiary, at decreased exchange costs, bring down misfortunes from spills, and additionally enhancements in administration and esteem exchange. EverID encourages client validation by numerous outsiders and empowers the exchange of security esteems ​​between individuals from the framework
IDs are an utility token that enable access to the EverID arrange and the applications and administrations based upon it. The 800 million issued ID tokens will be bought by banks, governments, NGOs, expansive associations, and clients (i.e. settlement senders) that need to get to EverID's system. Establishments are given changing levels of access to the stage in light of what number of tokens they hold while clients won't be required to hold IDs with a specific end goal to get esteem.
Value of ID

A verifiable digital identity will enable emerging market economies to grow into a $40+ trillion opportunity.
Target: $20M
Pre-sale: August 2018
Token Allocation

Use of funds

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