Wednesday, August 29, 2018

WEBERCOIN: Platform that allows you to advertise easily

Hi guys! By now you guys should no that I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Well for my old viewers I trust by now you guys should no how much of a crypto fan I am, also I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s ya’ll gotta know about. Cause right now you guys should be aware that it only comes outta no other place than Ricky’s Outlook. Have always monitored crypto-currency news, and today I came across a very attractive project with good cryptopian future. Let me introduce you to one of cryptocurenccy finest project cause you know i always give you the best. WEBERCOIN

Web based publicizing likewise web based showcasing or web promoting or web publicizing is a type of promoting and promoting that uses the web to convey limited time advertising messages to purchasers. Utilization of review web based promoting as an undesirable redirection with little advantage and progressively alluded to as blocking advertisements for different reasons. In the event that the product used to make buys is known as modified publicizing. Online networking is a PC interceded innovation that empowers the creation and trade of data, thoughts, proficient interests, and different types of articulation through networks and virtual media. Internet based life has so far secured numerous exercises on the stage, including the arrangement of publicizing materials, Number of online life clients who achieving many millions more clients makes this place exceptionally powerful in business advancement. In the scene of online life publicizing, it is progressively troublesome for clients to get straightforwardly required with organizations and for organizations to associate with clients who are keen on what your business offers them. Organizations think that its hard to associate with social influencers and with them more grounded benefits. with their advancement. Additionally the client construct, costs with respect to customary internet based life stages, to get advertisements raised and the stage does not make a market where organizations and clients can interface in a smooth and positive way. Clients need security for their data through social stages that can be gotten to by untouchables. With Webercoin, businesses can reach customers who are more likely to buy from them and whose advertising costs are far below the current social media platform.
Webercoin is the token that fuels the WeberHub marketplace which connects businesses to users on an easy-to-use platform rewarding them for engagement on the platform, all within an Ads network system. Using Webercoin, the primary token on the platform, as well as other widely used tokens, businesses connect with their customers better, and customers get rewarded for using the platform. WeberHub is the platform that brings them together, increasing interaction between businesses and customers, with low-cost advertising and seamless processes. Webercoin is a business stage that enables you to effectively publicize without the chaos that is normal in numerous informal communities, and in addition the client approaches organizations near them, and nobody meddles with their protection.


Webercoin is a token that drives the WeberHub advertise that associates organizations to clients on a simple to-utilize stage and rewards them for commitment on the stage, all in the Ad arrange framework. Utilizing Webercoin, the fundamental token on stages, and other generally utilized tokens, organizations are associated with their clients better and clients get remunerated for utilizing the.WeberHub stage is a stage that joins them, improving collaboration amongst business and clients with modest promoting and a consistent process.Webercoin is fuel for ecosystems.This is a type of installment made to stage clients positive donors and clients who need to utilize the stage adequately and enable organizations to develop.
How Does WeberHub Work

On the WeberHub stage, organizations and their optimal clients get the chance to associate as intently as they need, without mind boggling and exorbitant procedures. Through communications, surveys, proposals and that's just the beginning, clients get compensated as they associate with their favored organizations without boundaries. What's more, all the stage's clients' data is put away safely on Ethereum's stage on the blockchain, clients have no dread of their own data being open to undesirable gatherings.
  • Problems In The Current Marketplace:
  • In the internet based life publicizing scene, it is ending up progressively troublesome for clients to connect straightforwardly with organizations, and for organizations to interface with clients who are occupied with what their business brings to the table. Organizations think that its difficult to interface with social influencers and to use more grounded associations with them to develop their client base. Likewise, costs for publicizing on conventional online life stages have soar, and stages don't make commercial centers where organizations and clients can collaborate in a consistent and positive way. Clients need protection as their data on existing social stages are available to outside gatherings.
  • Solution For Businesses
  • With Webercoin, organizations can achieve clients that are more disposed to buying from them, and at much lower promoting costs than current web based life stages, giving them expanded profit for their publicizing venture and better associations with their clients, affecting their primary concern emphatically.
  • Solution For Users
  • Clients gain admittance to a wide exhibit of items and administrations in their regions and past, that meet their particular needs, with the chance to rate the organizations and get compensated for doing as such.
  • Based on Ethereum: provides transparent transparency for a crowded economy for success and offers incentives for growth.
  • The advertised token: Webercoin will become a source of revenue for the platform participants, as tokens will become a mandatory means of payment for buying and advertising on the platform.
  • Blockchain technology: takes finance from the bank rate and instead uses decentralized technologies and small contracts.
  • Token for the Internet: Webercoin is the future of advertising on the Internet, as the company plans to become the main method of advertising on several platforms.
Token model. The Webercoin Token (WBC)
Selling tokens:
A total of 100,000,000 WBC tokens will be created. 40% of the total created offer will be represented by WBC tokens, sent to participants of the sale of tokens from 8% for private investors. The reserve for future use will be 25% of the total supply, and 20% will be allocated for distribution to the ecosystem participants, and 5% for network administrators, teams and consultants. The costs for the sale of the token will be covered by 1% of the total volume of the offer.
The stage has one accessible token (WBC) (in view of the ERC20 interface). This will help make a reward component that decently appropriates the proprietorship and adjusts the motivations all things considered.
Webercoin (WBC) icon:
Webercoin (WBC) marker will be issued amid the lexeme deal. Along these lines, proprietors of WBC tokens are keen on partaking in the stage and positioning of respectable organizations. Since the WBC token will be a required installment technique for obtaining a space on the stage, sponsors should buy WBC markers (for instance, through the trade) keeping in mind the end goal to have accessible advertisement units on the stage.
Revenue from media services using WBC tokens:
Webercoin will manage media administrations and computerized showcasing for organizations and organizations that need to exploit the advanced market. Like publicizing income, WBC markers will turn into a compulsory installment strategy for finding such administrations from the WebAd stage.
Decentralized App


For More Information Please Visit These Trusted Links
Authored by avoxosuccesful

Monday, August 27, 2018

PERU COIN: the beginning of the Peruvian cryptoimpiery An Innovation Based On Blockchain

Hello guys! By now you guys should no that I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Well for my old viewers I trust by now you guys should no how much of a crypto fan I am, also I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s ya’ll gotta know about. Cause right now you guys should be aware that it only comes outta no other place than Ricky’s Outlook. Have always monitored crypto-currency news, and today I came across a very attractive project with good cryptopian future. Let me introduce you to one of cryptocurenccy finest project cause you know i always give you the best. PERU COIN
What is the back bone behind this trademark? What is the origination that backs this organization? We'll attempt to get it. Everything changes ceaselessly and does not stay unmoving. Additionally, the changes could just influence the financial world. Consequently, an early sort of money trade opens in advance of us - a digital currency. It was conceived long prior, yet has as of late increased cryptocurrency ubiquity among the majority. Be that as it may, even regardless of such data bolster, digital forms of money are presented to extraordinary question among the well known masses who outwardly look at the crypto-venture world and the barricade all things considered. And now comes Peru coin on the scene of cryptocurrency.
Perucoin is a project initiated by Bits2u, which aims to expand knowledge of electronic money in Peru and will make it possible to:
  • Provide knowledge of electronic money to the Peruvian public
  • Encourage people to invest in electronic money
  • Create one of Peru's largest mining farms
  • Teaching based on guided visits to mining farms how the mining machine operates

  • The
fundamental objective of PeruCoin is the wide mindfulness, clarification and presentation into the regular day to day existence of Peruvians of an imaginative methods for installment - their own digital currency. PeruCoin is setting itself to purchase a modern building/plant sooner rather than later for its further transformation into a mining ranch. PeruCoin additionally expects to advance learning about crypto-speculation, crypto-security, blocking innovation and related ventures and data in Peruvian culture. They will lead journeys to their digging ranches for all who need Peruvians and outsiders.
Development scenarios
Right now PeruCoin designates 2 variations of advancement of occasions continuing from that aggregate of ventures which it will be conceivable to include.
  • Collecting Softcap
  • When you reach Softcap, which is $ 5 million, the funds will be allocated accordingly:
  • -Purchase of mining equipment in the amount of 1,000 pieces and additional equipment for its work - 2 million 61 thousand 500 dollars
  • Buying a security alarm and securing the farm - from 20 thousand dollars a month
  • Purchase of the plant for further conversion to a mining farm - 1 million 200 thousand dollars (will be implemented within 60 days after the achievement of Softcap)
  • Provision of electricity - 400 thousand dollars (contracting with energy services for maintenance
Collecting Hardcap
When you reach Hardcap, which is 13 million 300 thousand dollars, the funds will be allocated accordingly:
  • Provision of electricity - 1 million dollars (contracting with energy services for maintenance
  • Buying a security alarm and securing the farm - from 40 thousand dollars a month
  • Additional costs (includes listing costs on exchanges) - remaining money
  • Purchase of a large plant with the subsequent conversion of it into a mining farm - $ 3 million
  • Purchase of mining equipment in the amount of 2000 pieces and additional equipment for its work - 5 million 279 thousand 250 dollars
Pricing strategy

As monetary standards in view of the crypto stage, they look for full straightforwardness in all exchanges, actualizing scholarly contracts from the blockbuster etherium. To safeguard the bearing and dependability of the PeruKoin coins, 30% of all tokens delivered in their fields. CoinCoin coin. Above all else, the venture is centered around accomplishing the define objectives. It ought to be noticed that the venture is bolstered at the nation level, which, without a doubt, is a major in addition to for the undertaking for this reason. All things considered, PeruCoin additionally plans to enter the global costs, and now, as per the business focus in Peru, where the cryptographic money is a gigantic achievement.
  • Bitcoins will be mined on a mining farm.
  • The collected assets will be used for initial costs: purchase and purchase of a crypto-farm to strengthen the brand and reputation in the crypto-currency industry, as well as for the further development of technology and business.
  • Thanks to excursions, knowledge will be quickly transferred from the citizen to the citizen.
  •  - In comparison with other ICOs, the minimum fund of the company will allow to realize this project.
Distribution of tokens

The undoubted in addition to is likewise that the aggregate issue of tokens is just 1 million 900 thousand tokens, which ought to positively influence his course.
The project will allocate 77% of the tokens.
8% of tokens are allocated to the team.
The cost of marketing 2% of tokens.
Tokenov for the exchange of 13%.


Q1 2018 checks
start the development of PeruCoin
Q2 2018
Launch ICO Launch
Q2 2018
Send an invoice
Buy factory Q3 2018
Q3 2018
Purchase and installation of mining machinery
Q3 2018
Purchase and installation of light meter
Q4 2018
Factory security implementation
Q1 2019
Inauguration of factory and first tour guide
The first conference of 2019 on PeruCoin
To start buying PeruCoins and support this project, you simply:
To get started on the site, we need you to fill out some data!
We need you to identify yourself for future purchases!
Greetings! You can buy and trade PeruCoin! Thanks for the help

For More Information Please Visit These Trusted Links Below
Authored by avoxosuccesful

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Hi guys! By now you guys should no that I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Well for my old viewers I trust by now you guys should no how much of a crypto fan I am, also I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s ya’ll gotta know about. Cause right now you guys should be aware that it only comes outta no other place than Ricky’s Outlook. Have always monitored crypto-currency news, and today I came across a very attractive project with good cryptopian future. Let me introduce you to one of cryptocurenccy finest project cause you know i always give you the best. MB8 COIN
Do you know that new Internet advancements have added to the improvement of the market cryptography. Its a dependable fact that there are very huge changes occurring in the realm of data innovation. The customary dependability motivating force framework is expensive to dispatch and oversee, particularly with regards to the worldwide market. On a vast scale, focal dispersion and support are work escalated, consistently troublesome and open to extortion or mishandle of the framework. On account of the Internet, we have the chance to utilize interpersonal organizations, moment flag-bearers and as though we have effectively moved into the virtual world. We impart there and gain cash. The Internet gives us opportunity of development and the privilege to pick. You can rest some place in Thailand on the shoreline and with the assistance of the Internet and workstation keep on doing their most loved business, impart and win cash.
The MB8Coin is a decentralized platform that allows users to exchange services by paying for all MB8Coin transactions! MB8 Coin is the "fuel" for the existing network of rewards for loyalty. MB8 Coin will be the first crypto currency to be used internally between suppliers and retailers .MB8 Coin intends to make a reason for a system of honors, which incorporates in excess of 2,100 associations. MB8 Coin showed the viability of its improvement of the reward framework for the arrival of dedication by the case of Euro Credit Plus, the square framework absolutely assisted with the production of a sheltered and straightforward devotion framework. . Officially demonstrated and exceedingly fruitful, the development of our Euro credit Plus unwaveringness rewards framework was a conspicuous chance to use the efficiencies which Blockchain innovation brings. By supplanting our customarily "shut framework rewards show" we intend to grow to numerous new markets, utilizing the advancement of this energizing space. On such an immense scale, full computerization and straightforwardness are required, which will permit to enhance every money related cost, here we go to the guide of blocking innovation, which makes it conceivable to track and anticipate extortion in the structure.
The task required extra security and straightforwardness in the reward framework. Starter testing demonstrated that this advancement is perfect for supplanting the present current particular gadget. Making your own system enables you to screen: the utilization, association, support and adaptability of the system.
Blockchain based solution
This will enable us to streamline the scaling procedure and save money on running expenses. After more profound examination and counsel, the extra advantages of changing to a digital money based reward token are:
  • The usage of the MB8 token by means of shared gifting and exchanging on crypto trades will permit genuine value revelation to happen.

  • Draw in new clients to use the prizes stage, and in addition bringing numerous new merchants, organizations and occasion areas to the prizes arrange.

  • Through participation in securing the network, you can be rewarded 5% annual growth, in the form of additional tokens.

  • MB8 tokens are distributed via an ICO to the public, new and existing business partners.

  • Powerlessness to deceitfully issue or make extra MB8 rewards tokens.

  • Borderless and immediate transactions, perfectly suited to the modern global market.
  • Features of MB8Coin
  • Get 5% annually using the unique storage and accumulation capabilities of MB8 tokens.

  • In the very near future, the token MB8 will be accepted in 2100 companies. Reception will begin immediately after the ICO is completed.

  • Token MB8 will be presented at cryptoexchange exchanges where customers can exchange or sell them to receive another currency.

  • Order your vacation online, paying up to 100% of the value of the tokens MB8, at a rate of 1 MB8 = 1 euro.

  • Buy goods online, paying up to 70% of the cost of tokens MB8, at the rate of 1 MB8 = 1 euro.

  • Earn MB8 tokens using an existing reward system.

  • Use MB8 tokens in existing and developing loyalty programs.
Mobile App
Multibuy has propelled its first versatile application before the finish of 2017. The application will be utilized by members to trade tokens MB8 between the stage members. Linked to your pre-paid debit card, the app also doubles up as a hosted MB8 Coin Wallet which you can use to send and receive your coins with retailers, individuals or crypto exchanges.

Token Sale And Terms
Coin Details
Name: MB8 Coin
Ticker: MB8
Algorithm: X13
Type: Proof of Stake (POS)
Class: Utility Token
Main distribution via ICO.
Hardcase ICO - € 170 million.
Pre-ICO and 3-stage sales.
  • All unsold coins will be burnt

MB8 Coin Parameters


For More Information Please Visit These Trusted Links Below
Authored by: avoxosuccesful

Saturday, August 25, 2018

BITECH: Global Technology Company For Cryptocurrency Minning.

Hi guys! Do you know that In this day and age, there are a considerable amount of approaches to make cash, and with the utilization of modern day advancements, this has turned out to be much less demanding. One such technique is the mining of digital forms of money. This is a sort of mining digital currency. Since the digital money is encryption, as needs be, each coin has its own code. In this way, mining is the way toward unwinding a code by a PC. Lamentably, there are numerous impediments to this exercise. A large portion of this is because of the high prerequisites for gear and high vitality utilization. By now you guys should no that I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Well for my old viewers I trust by now you guys should no how much of a crypto fan I am, also I am a great crypto-curency bounty player. Now remember how I told you guys that the world is basically ruled by information in this generation, Truth is to who-ever that is going to read this blog now or later, this is one of among all vital information’s ya’ll gotta know about. Cause right now you guys should be aware that it only comes outta no other place than Ricky’s Outlook. Have always monitored crypto-currency news, and today I came across a very attractive project with good cryptopian future. Let me introduce you to one of cryptocurenccy finest project cause you know i always give you the best. BITTECH

Mining is a movement that means to keep up a circulated stage and make new blocks with chances to get new unit rewards and commission charges in different cryptographic forms of money, specifically, bitcoin. require estimations for a similar unit use insurance, and prizes urge individuals to spend figuring force and encouraging group of people activities. Which brings us to BITECH, BITECH has explored in so many areas and came to a situated zone to open a major cryptocurrency data processing center which is called (DPC). and you can find these centers at these various country's Iceland, Estonia, Canada, and Russia. And BITECH made it possible to make sure that each DPC is a professionally managed platform.
The BITTECH project is a global technology company. The main task is to create favorable conditions for mining and make it legal, simple and reliable to help Individuals and companies not face too many problems. The production is based on ASIC chips with a customized architecture built on the technological process of 10 and 14 nm and the development of software for the produced miners. The BITECH company was founded in 2017 and is developing miners and an affordable global service. The headquarters is at Hong Kong
  • The BITTECH venture is a completely decentralized open cycle framework for advancement, presentation, creation and imaginative mining control hardware based on Bt0 chips with special vitality effectiveness and execution.
  • Bittech One 14 nm miners are unmatched miners in its class, with mining SHA 256 algorithm, 28th capacity and low consumption only 2,200 W. Available for retail since May 2018.
  • BITTECH (BTECH) token is a digital asset that grants you as the holder, the right to buy a new generation of BITTECH miners built in modern 10-14nm chips.
  • Mining is an action whose reason for existing is to keep up a circulated stage and fabricate another square with the chance to get an endowment of another unit and commission costs in different cryptographic forms of money, specifically, bitcoin. require computations for a similar unit use security, and the prizes urge individuals to spend their processing force and encouraging group of people activity.
The benefits of this undertaking is that BITTECH is the best in its class. Clients will have the capacity to gather in the server farm for the administration contract, and additionally interface with the rented line through committed IP.
  • The lack of available infrastructure
  • High cost of equipment and maintenance problems
  • Legislative bans in countries
  • Climatic features in the region of presence
  • High quality equipment with extended warranty
  • Affordable price
  • Quick start, only 24 hours
  • Full legality and legitimacy of the legislation
  • High-class specialists, support 24 hours
  • UPTIME 99.9 % SLA
  • BITTECH One S miner prototype for SHA-256 algorithm on BT0010a chip launched, with a capacity of 36Th / s and consumption of only 2,800W;
  • The BT0014 14nm chip has been developed for the SHA-256 algorithm, which is performance and energy efficiency increase of 20-25% compared chip 16nm competitors.
  • The 10nm BT0010La chip has been developed as a Scrypt algorithm, which is performance 15-20% higher than competitors, and energy efficiency increased by 5-7%;
  • Construction of the establishment of a data center in Russia, Irkutsk region, with a total capacity of 21MW begins.
  • -Production series BITTECH One miner for SHA-256 algorithm Chip BT0014 is launched, with a capacity of 28Th / s, and consumption only 2,200 W;
BITECH also have a machine for minners called the BITECH ONE MINNER, this machine helps a lone minner to carryout minning without situating in a large mining farm. the machine is built in different sizes and performs different operations with also different. i'll show you below

Mining algorithm: SHA 256 Hash Rate:28 TH/s. Power consumption: 2.2-2.3 kW. Chip architecture:14 nm
ADVANTAGES: Best ROI in its class.Possibility of colocation in the BITTECH data center under a service contract
Connection to the miner via dedicated IP
Token BTECH and ICO details
The token owner will have the opportunity to:
Redeem a token on the miner line Bittech at a cost of
redeeming a service contract with a 30% discount
exchanged at Bittech
Token Token Big One: BTECH
PreICO starts on June 20, 2018.
Token fee: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Bonus is only given during the pre-sale period and will depend on the amount of investment:
from 10,000 $ - 10% of bonus
from 30,000 $ - 20% of bonus
from 50,000 $ - 30% of bonus
from 100000 $ - 40% of bonus
Minimum investment is 100 USD.
Currency received: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum
Soft-cap - $ 1500,000
Hard-cap - $ 5000000
ICO Period: August 20, 2018 - October 20, 2018.
Token fee: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Minimum investment: 1 token.
Currency received: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum.
Hard Cap: $ 100,000,000
Token distribution and use of funds.


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Authored by avoxosuccesful